Mold Cleaning Solution - Tips to make your own Mold Cleaning Solutions

Mold Cleaning Solution

Using the right Mold Cleaning Solution for your project will make a difference to kill white mold. I will list several mold cleaning solutions below. These cleaning solutions will work for White mold in basement, white mold on wood, attic, crawl spaces, and white mold on walls.
Some of these White Mold cleaning solutions are toxic and I recommend using proper safety equipment to do the job right and to be safe.

These Mold Cleaning Solutions work great for small areas. However if the area is larger than a 3 foot by 3 foot then I recommend that you call in a professional.

Using Borax for Mold Removal
Even though borax is a natural product it still is toxic if swallowed. So, be-careful when using Borax for Mold removal. The good news is, Borax does not give off dangerous fumes like other mold cleaners. However, you still should wear the proper safety equipment so you don't breath in any mold spores and cause heath issues.

Using Borax to Kill Mold - How to use Borax for Mold Removal
  • Mix 1 cup of Borax for every one gallon of water.
  • Remove loose mold spores with a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filtration system to keep from spreading the mold throughout the house.
  • Use a scrub brush or scrub sponge or pad and the water borax solution scrub the mold off the affected area.
  • Clean up any excess mold particles and moisture and debris.
  • You don't have to but I would scrub the moldy area again with the solution after the first clean off just to make sure I didn't miss anything.
  • Wipe off excess moisture again and there is no reason to rinse as the left behind borax solution will help keep mold from returning.
  • Let surface dry completely.
That's how you use Borax to Kill Mold. Borax will kill mold on both porous and non-porous surfaces.

Does Bleach Kill Mold? Bleach Solution to Kill Mold
Does Bleach Kill Mold? Yes bleach does kill mold but not on all surfaces. Bleach works best when used on non-porous surfaces like Tile, Glass, kitchen counters, and Bath tubs. Bleach will kill off almost all types of mold problems when used on the right type of surface. I believe that it will even work on drywall as long as the drywall is panted. However, bleach does not kill mold on porous surfaces like unpainted drywall, or wood. The reason why bleach can not kill the mold on porous surfaces is because bleach does not penetrate into the pours to kill the roots of the mold, so it will grow back.

Bleach Solution to Kill Mold
  • Before you start make sure you are working in a well ventilated are sense bleach fumes are toxic.
  • Wear proper mold removal safety gear.
  • Mix 1 cup of bleach with 1 gallon of water.
  • Apply bleach solution to kill mold on a non-porous surface either with bucket and sponge or pour solution into a spray bottle and spry on.
  • No need to rinse unless the mold growth was on a cooking or eating area or in a place kids or pets can get to.
  • Let dry completely.

Using a bleach solution to kill mold can cause damage to the surface your cleaning sense bleach is a corrosive chemical. Sense most basements are not ventilated well I wouldn't use bleach to kill white mold in basement, or attic.

Vinegar to Kill Mold - Does Vinegar Kill Mold?

Does Vinegar Kill Mold?
Using Vinegar to Kill Mold is safe and does not give off toxic fumes. Vinegar will kill off up to 82% of the mold species that grow in the home. That's because vinegar is a mild acid and it even works great to ad to your wash to kill mold on clothing. So yes, Vinegar does Kill Mold and is a great Mold Cleaning Solution.

Solution for cleaning Mold with Vinegar
  • Pure White Distilled Vinegar directly into a spray bottle without watering it down. You can buy it at any grocery store.
  • Spray onto moldy area and let set for one hour.
  • Wipe area clean with warm water and let set to dry completely.
Vinegar is great to help prevent mold growth. Just pray it on the area like shower doors, tiles, kitchen back splash, or any other non-porous surface and let dry. The smell will be gone in a few hours so don't worry about that.

Does Hydrogen Peroxide Kill Mold? - Hydrogen Peroxide to Kill Mold

Will Hydrogen Peroxide kill mold?
With all the mold cleaning solutions you can use some being toxic. I can understand why you might be asking Does Hydrogen Peroxide Kill Mold sense its safe to use and does not have toxic fumes like bleach and ammonia. 3% Hydrogen Peroxide is also cheap and can easily purchased at the local store and is easy to use.

Now it is a natural bleaching agent so if you are concerned about that then try a test spot first to make sure you don't damage your cloths, or carpet.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide to Kill Mold
  • Hydrogen Peroxide is already at 3% when you buy it at the store. So, you can pour in into a spray bottle and spray it directly on the moldy area to saturate the moldy area and let set for at-least ten minutes.
  • Next scrub to remove the mold and mold stains.
  • You can repeat if you feel its needed.
  • Next wipe clean to remove all the mold spores and then let dry completely.
If the mold your dealing with is being stubborn, you can add vinegar to the hydrogen Peroxide for even more cleaning power.